Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
We are creating a new NHS Foundation Trust to deliver the vast majority of community, mental health and learning disability services for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to improve access, experience and outcomes for our communities.
Set to launch in the coming weeks, the name of our new Trust will be Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
Our aim is for everyone to have equal access to our services with the same chance to get better. We understand that over the coming years, the number of people using community, mental health and learning disability services will increase in line with our diverse and growing population in our local communities. We are already responding to the growing need, with more people accessing our services, with increasingly complex needs.
We are at the heart of developing the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care System (ICS), taking a strategic approach to delivering and transforming healthcare for our local. The new Trust will be entirely co-terminus with the Integrated Care System, opening up unique opportunities for collaboration for the benefit of our population.
We are also focused on ‘Place’ based delivery by building effective relationships with all our partners, third sector colleagues, and the many different communities we serve.
Furthermore, we will be a major partner with, and provider of, Primary Care for a population of nearly two million people.
The programme to develop the new Trust has been called ‘Project Fusion’.

Our Plan
NHS community, mental health and learning disability services for people in Hampshire and Isle of Wight are currently provided by four organisations: Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, Solent NHS Trust, Isle of Wight NHS Trust and Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
We have developed a ‘Full Business Case’ – a detailed proposal for formal approval – to
bring all of the community, mental health and learning disability services for Hampshire and Isle of Wight together into one organisation from 1 April 2024.
We are confident that this change will make things simpler, easier and better for
people who use our services. It will also be better for the staff who provide those
services and help us work better with partner organisations.
Our Clinical Strategy
This Clinical Strategy has been created for the launch of the new Trust. It is a foundation for us to build on as the new organisation develops.
The new organisation will work across the whole of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. It will work with people from birth to the end of life, in a wide range of services. It will work alongside our partners in the
Integrated Care Board, primary care, acute hospitals, voluntary sector, independent sector and local authorities.
This strategy sets out a clear approach to enable all parts of this diverse organisation to deliver high quality, safe and effective services to all people in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. To deliver the strategy, clinical, professional, operational and corporate staff will need to work together, in collaboration with our partners, the people who use our services and their families.
Our Values